Friday, September 6, 2013

Cleaver - Markdown to HTML Presentations 'a la Node

Go ahead and take a look, it's quite the library.

(Github: jdan/Cleaver) (NPM: cleaver)

To get started run this: npm install -g cleaver

Definitely go check out the documentation on how to use this library, it's a real catch.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Replacing the jQuery.each function

Compare the following examples:

Example 1 (Using jQuery):

   $("section").each(function(index, element){
       //do something with element

Or even better
   $.each($("section"), function(index, element){
       //do something with element

Example 2 (Native javascript):

   var elements = document.querySelectorAll("section");
   for(var i=0;i<elements.length; i++){
      var element = elements[i];

Note that these pieces of code do the exact same thing.  They loop through all the elements in an array.  In fact the first solution looks very elegant.  Some might even argue it's the functional way a javascript developer should code.

Nobody, however, should argue which one gets better performance when run in browser.

Honestly, anyone can read the examples, but who really benefits from code like Example 1?  It's not the page viewer, because the client had to download a 45kb library to get "foreach" functionality that makes the page run slower.  It's also not the developer, because the developer missed out on making their code faster. I guess the answer is that nobody truly benefits except for beginners, who get shortchanged unknowingly.

There is however one more suggestion:

 [] nodeListReference, function (node) {
  // now do whatever you want to do with node

Feel free to comment below. All opinions are valid and welcome.