Go ahead and take a look, it's quite the library.
(Github: jdan/Cleaver) (NPM: cleaver)
To get started run this: npm install -g cleaver
Definitely go check out the documentation on how to use this library, it's a real catch.
Learn how to code native javascript and discuss the merits and problems with using monolithic libraries.
Go ahead and take a look, it's quite the library.
(Github: jdan/Cleaver) (NPM: cleaver)
To get started run this: npm install -g cleaver
Definitely go check out the documentation on how to use this library, it's a real catch.
$("section").each(function(index, element){
//do something with element
$.each($("section"), function(index, element){
//do something with element
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("section");
for(var i=0;i<elements.length; i++){
var element = elements[i];
[].forEach.call( nodeListReference, function (node) {
// now do whatever you want to do with node